Friday, July 16, 2010

A child is born...

Joanne was born on January 10th, 1972. She was never given a middle name, which drove her crazy as a child...I'l get to that later. I was 2.5 years old when she was born and I remember my parents buying me "Jelly Babies" to try to ease the jealousy that I may have had over having a new baby in the house. Being the perfect child that I am, there was, of course, no jealousy at all, but I did enjoy those Jelly Babies!!!

From stories my Mum has told me, Joanne was not the easiest baby to care for...she cried all the time, hated to sleep and had tantrums alot. Of course, there were great things about Joanne as well, but suffice it to day, she gave Mum a real run for her

Anyway, she was as cute as a button, with big brown eyes and blond hair...

And she was a babbler...she didn't speak for a long time, but she spoke Joannnese extremely well. The only person who understood her gobbledegook most of the time was me. Yes, I was the bright one. ;o)

Joanne walked very early that Mum swears that's why she was a bit bow-legged. That energy and need for movement did not leave her ever...she was constantly doing something...never resting. My poor Mummy...she must have been run ragged.

Joanne had no fear. She would simply walk into a pool of water, speak to strangers, eat whatever she felt looked appetizing...that was Joanne...fearless. Again, my poor parents had to keep their eyes on her constantly or she would be into something she shouldn't be! Mum told me that one of Joanne's favourite pastimes was playing with the contents of her diaper...and making art with it on the bedroom walls. Oh yes, that was our Joanne. She's probably giving me a dirty look straight from Heaven for telling you that, but, this blog is meant to be alllll about her...not just the cute and nice stuff!!!

So, that's the story of Joanne's babyhood...

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